Sunday, August 18, 2013

Control your destiny

Now that I am at the end of my educational journey with Full Sail University, my final business plan is due.  I have worked on my plan for one year now and I can honestly say that it is nowhere near completed.  Of course, I have turned in a plan but there is something I learned more valuable. What I mean by that is, after researching certain aspects of my plans, things seem to have changed from my original plans.

I did included my original plans in the blueprint but I am now seeing that maybe certain ideas and key concepts may not work as well as I thought they would for my particular market. Researching the market and how they spend their money has been eye opening for me. I had to ask myself questions like,  “Will I really have enough customers to open my doors?” I think it is a good idea, but will my target market think so also?

I want to start a business to fill a need that I feel is needed in my particular market. What I need to realize is that there may be others out there who have the same passion but may not have the funds to invest or even the time to participate.

I see that once you go through this process it is easy to become discouraged and down trotted about your ideas and plans. Your research my show that starting your business at this time may not be best. Maybe six months from now will be a better time to start the business that you want.

How I feel now, is that I have the drive to learn more about my market and how to tailor my plan to provide for their needs. I now know that my ideas may be a good but the “package” may not fit best for whom I want to serve.

This leaves me with a feeling of excitement and anxiety. I now feel that I am getting to know whom I want to help and exactly how I can do that and still make the money that I want to.

Business plans are not ever going to be written and then put into a drawer. Your mission and company purpose may stay the same but adapt. Timely adaption is how companies thrive and survive. I just hope that I am able to recognize the shift in my audience and remain current and relevant.

 Thank you, 
Enrika M. Sissle

To control your destiny

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