Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Start again: Finding the strength to finish that book

Start again: Finding the strength to finish that book

I live a busy life. I have five children; I run a small theatre company; I am writing a movie script; in school full-time; moving; home schooling; volunteering at a community center; and a few other things. Now, I am trying to write a new graphic novel that is in my head.  Most of the time I am tired and burned out from life and when will I have time to complete all that I feel I need to?

Your life may look a bit like mine. We all have lives that may look like any minute will just explode. Maybe some of you have an even busier schedule than me. I know that there are days that none of us want to even get out of bed let alone write a book. What I have found out is that creative people always have ideas but those ideas will haunt us until something gets done. 

With this in mind, I am always on the look out for strategies and ways that can help me organize and finish my work.  I don’t want to turn around and nothing is done and I am 30 years older. This is where organization and goal setting plays and important role in finishing that manuscript in your head.

The Fitness expert network is a reference that I found that gives tips on making big goals smaller? I chose them because I have a huge fitness goal that seems insurmountable. You could even do a simple search on the web to find help with goal setting. The fitness network is what I use for my weight loss challenges. I find that I can apply it to other areas of my life.

If you are writing a book now, it may seem like you will not ever finish it and that life is slowly taking over. You can't let that happen. You have to find those moments that you can write. If you have five minutes, then write one paragraph. A little each day goes a long way. When you use those moments to write, you find that your book or novel is getting closer to being finished. One paragraph turns into three and then a page. Pretty soon you will have a chapter completed.

Try not to look at your book or novel as one big project. Break each page down and just focus on that. There will be days, weeks or in my case even months when I didn't write a thing and get so frustrated that I am letting my dreams pass. Try not to beat yourself up about those times. Start again. Remember you can always start again. Just find the strength to not ever stop. 

Here are some other sites to help you finish:

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